Relationship Rescue
A 3 - 6 hour crisis intervention session arranged by special appointment for weekends
When couples reach a crisis where one or the other feels that the relationship is about to be lost, the Relationship Rescue weekend is an opportunity to make significant progress quickly. We meet for 1 to 2 three-hour sessions on the next available weekend.
Typically, these components are included:
Session I
Brief personality testing, a survey of the five basic areas of the marriage.
A history of the relationship is obtained and core problems are identified.
Session II
Basics of effective communication are taught. Each partner gets coaching in applying these techniques to dismantle a core problem that each is concerned about.
Session III
Negotiation of specific changes to immediately replace destructive or damaging patterns.
Session IV
Restructuring of relationship roles, responsibilities & schedules.
A plan is agreed to on specific follow-up steps to continue the progress.
Cost: $100-130/hr
Some portion of your services may be covered by insurance if the couple is married or have filed with the court as domestic partners AND if the policy covers couples therapy or if one partner has a psychiatric diagnosis that is affecting the relationship. For the most part, you should put aside funds to cover the needed sessions as an investment in your future, the same as you would put aside funds for your future home, vacation or other important goals for your life.
Six sessions provide a short-term fix for what may be a long history of miscommunication, avoidance, insecurities and painful experiences. Many couples wait far too long to come in. For long term resilience, a relationship may require a long term commitment to persist in making changes in yourself that will support your partner doing the same. The length of time needed to put a relationship on solid footing should be measured by the age of the relationship and the relationship experiences of each person.
More about costs of therapy.......